New buildings are changing: some options are emerging, others are becoming obsolete and disappearing. What really matters for a quality building project today? What should the living space be like in order to remain in demand even after a decade? The building project liquidity criteria are clarified by Property One Real Estate and Development team.
Location and transport accessibility
Whatever is said, the location of the new apartment building remains a major indicator of the liquidity of a project and investment.
When choosing a location to build a new premium project, the company takes into account not only the proximity of the main streets. It is important to already have a well-established infrastructure nearby: shopping, cultural, entertainment. The location must be safe from an environmental point of view, and nearby parks or other green areas are needed, necessary for recreation, sports and replenishment of strength and energy.
When choosing a new home, Property One Real Estate and Development experts advise the buyer to pay attention not only to the existing advantages of the area, but also to the options that will appear in the near future: opening of a large shopping center, new park, new business or sports centers.
To clarify, the expressions below in the text - premium class does not mean expensive and more difficult to purchase housing, the meaning of the word premium housing is an apartment in a great location, located in a building built according to all standards and regulations, with good access and contents nearby, all these factors that would maintain the liquidity of the space at a high level for the next 10 years and more.
Individual and unique layouts of apartments
It has long been believed that the layout of the living space made according to the requirements of the clients reduces the liquidity of the living space, because they are not suitable for each buyer and everyone wants space according to their individual idea. This rule still works well in the secondary real estate segment: there, unusual layouts really do not have the best effect on sales. But not in the premium class of housing, which retains liquidity in the long run, unlike the secondary segment of housing.
In the premium class, even the "standard" layouts include apartments with large and panoramic windows, master bedrooms, separate rooms with wardrobes and laundry facilities. Individual ordering is also much more sought after than in the secondary segment. First, architects who understand the needs of customers provide more quality in the project. Second, the features of the premium class allow you to create not only the most unusual, but also the most functional layout.
Individual solutions will remain popular because of their diversity - they give a chance to transform the living space according to the needs of the family.
Digital services
Digitalization is a process that has taken over the world. Everything around us is getting smarter. Smart TV, heating / cooling and power outlets, smart parking, smart park lights or a robot vacuum cleaner that turns on with a single click from your mobile device from any distance, so you can arrive in a clean home - this direction of digitalization will undoubtedly develop actively in the following years. Therefore, new premium class buildings are always up to date.
Do you want to have day and night access to video surveillance cameras and see what is happening in the yard and on the street? Look at the screen of the tablet attached to the front door and find out who is in front of your door. You enter or drive on the territory of your apartment building without a key, with control and access from your mobile device, and no one on the side has access, your safety is ensured. These are the basic features available in all new premium projects today.
But homes today also have smart options inside. With voice control, you can adjust the lighting, while the central air conditioning and air purification system control the air quality and climate in the apartment.
Basement and storage space, the comfort of new buildings
The rational approach and the principle of practical use of each square meter, are leading the need for creating space for storage in residential buildings. Why keep a winter equipment, a huge artificial Christmas tree with toys or an inflatable boat in the apartment, if they are not needed every day? After all, these things take up a lot of space.
Now, together with an apartment in a new premium class apartment complex, buyers get not only a place in the underground car park, but also a storage room. Some people store car tires there, others store tools, others store seasonal items, or all together. Just imagine: you go down to the garage, straight from the elevator or the stairs without going outside, pick up your winter gear, get in the car and go skiing.
Functionality that simplifies the living contributes to the liquidity of a living space.
Infrastructure inside the residential complex
Housing just for simple living is not modern: the project, which will be relevant for many years to come, contains useful public spaces. One of them is coworking, which was popular before the pandemic, but was given a second life during the pandemic. If the apartment complex also has a recreation area, a meeting room or just a comfortable lobby, then you can attend not only online but also offline meetings, without leaving your apartment complex. Time management will be even more important in the coming years, so these useful options in the residential complex will contribute to greater liquidity of your residential space in the future.
Another direction is the comfort of families with children. Investors are increasingly allocating special space near residential buildings for playgrounds. The internal playgrounds in a residential complex will be more and more demanded and important, contributing to greater liquidity of the entire building.
Business meeting or leisure facilities are available in more premium residential complexes. Special rooms for strollers, recreation areas, personal and business meeting spaces and other socially oriented options make life in a premium residential complex comfortable and interesting.
Business premises in the residential complex
Commercial premises on the first floors of residential complexes are sometimes called obsolete due to poor planning in some of them. Coffee bars bother residents on the higher floors, or for example you have to walk long distance to find a pharmacy, although there are seven grocery stores nearby. These examples only prove the unprofessional approach of some investors who build without a business plan for the liquidity of their residential complex in the future.
The business premises on the ground floor, if there are ones in a residential complex, and if they are planned correctly with a good choice of contents, that are needed and requested in that location, can be very useful and increase the liquidity of the apartments in the residential complex.
Balconies and rooftop terraces
Not every apartment has the "luxury" of a terrace or yard. But those who want to invest in liquid and profitable apartment space, in many years in advance, should consider one very important content and that is the terrace or yard. Space for fresh air and relaxation. During the pandemic many residents realized the importance of the terrace and the yard, it was the only place during quarantine where they could rest in the fresh air. The luxury of owning a terrace or yard remained an important part of the decision to purchase a liquid and profitable living space.
Today, when the value of balconies and terraces has increased, investors pay special attention to this area - deep and spacious balconies are great for relaxing. Increasingly popular are the rooftop terraces where there is space for spacious armchairs, tables, barbecues, swings for children, all amenities that help to relax after work, in the fresh air, under the open sky.
Who would not love that "luxury" even after 10 years? Terraces will only increase the liquidity of a living space for many years to come.
The public yard of the residential complex has great power for its liquidity in future
The importance of living space is not limited only to the apartment and the entrance of the building, in modern life the yard of the residential complex plays no less an important role than the internal infrastructure of the building. But this yard is not just a children's playground and a few benches. It is a multifunctional space, where there is amenities for children of different ages, as well as for adults and the elderly.
There you can play active games or board games, drink coffee from a nearby cafe, relax, work or workout outdoors, walk and play sports. The more functions the yard has and the better thought out are its zones, the more liquid the living spaces in that complex will be in the future. The yard should be the best place for relaxation, meeting friends and neighbors, walking with family and pets.
All of these options increase the competitiveness of apartments on the market now, but also will remain relevant for many years to come.
The location and transport accessibility, the custom-made layouts of apartments, the digitalization of the spaces, storage rooms, as well as the infrastructure and public amenities of the residential complexes and business premises will be very important in the decision making process for purchasing a good investment housing that will remain liquid and profitable even in the future.